Honey is considered to be among the most valuable, nutritious and healthiest foods that contributes to a healthier living. Other bee products like pollen and propolis are also considered as highly beneficial to our health. Serifos island, as a rural area, has a long tradition in apiculture and produces different varieties of honey and other bee products of high quality that can be found across the globe.
Frygana honey is 100% pure and unprocessed, so as to keep its great taste along with all beneficial nutrients that bees generously offer to us.

Nikos Kokolakis
The Producer
Hello from Greece!
My name is Nikos and I am lucky enough to come from a magnificent island named Serifos in Cyclades. Although I was born in Athens, my dream has always been to live and work with nature. It was not until a few years ago that a friend of mine introduced me to the world of beekeeping, and since then it has become the love of my life!
Straight away, I decided to study Apiculture at the Institute of Agronomic Sciences in Athens, and then start my own business in Serifos. It is not an easy thing to do, but the bee world is fascinating. I hope you enjoy my page, and of course my products!